Oct 18, 2016

Saint Paul Hotel {Erika & Tyler Published}

Tyler and Erika first met on a blind date. "We met... for dinner-- shared food, wine and stories," described Erika. "We didn't want [the night] to end, so we walked on Summit looking at the historic homes on a chilly October night, and we stopped for dessert. We are now living right off of Grand in St. Paul... and often take the same 'stroll' as we did on our first date. After our second date, TJ (Tyler John) made up a hashtag-- #adventuresofeeejandteej. This stuck with us... every date, cooked dinners and experiences together we put it in our own little digital photo book."

The couple was engaged six months after their first date, and were married in June at the Catholic church at St. Catherine University, with their reception at the elegant Saint Paul Hotel. Photographed by Erin Johnson, details and decor were kept classic and elegant. "I wanted white flowers to keep it simple and fresh, but with the added the element of mixed metals to keep it modern," said the bride.

See all the details of their wedding published on A Paper Proposal.


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